Why spend all that money on a new computer when an inexpensive upgrade can give new life to the PC you already own? Call GetTeck to see just how affordable it is to upgrade your ram, hard drive or operating system.
Memory Sales and Installation - Upgrading the amount of RAM in your PC can result in a dramatic speed boost. Every program that you run needs memory to operate. If there is not enough, then everything slows to a crawl. This is why it's important to give your programs all the RAM they need to operate efficiently. GetTeck will determine the right memory for your computer and install it for you. |
Hard Drive Sales, installation and Data Transfer - Hard drives are filling up faster than ever. The hard drive in your PC stores your music, pictures, movies, and more. GetTeck can install a larger hard drive in your PC and transfer all of your current data to the new drive. All of your files and programs will be exactly the way they were on your previous drive - except you'll have much more storage space! |
Software Sales, Installation and Data Backup - GetTeck can install the latest software for your computer. Do you need anti-virus or backup software? No problem. GetTeck will help you choose the best cost effective software for your needs. |
Peripheral Sales and Installation - Are you looking for a printer, scanner, wireless network, video camera or other peripheral? With the dizzying array of choices out there it sometimes can be difficult to choose what is best for your needs and budget. Even if you find something that you like, is it compatible with your current PC and will you be able configure and install it? Relax and let us do the work! GetTeck can help you decide what you need, deliver and install it for you. |
Other Services:
GetTeck offers so much more than upgrades - click here for a complete list.